Tuesday, April 23, 2019


After the presentations today, I found myself very interesting in the topic of whistleblowers. When the group presented information on this term, I was interested in how impactful they are/were in our society. 

The definition of a whistleblower is a person who informs on a person or organization engaged in an illicit activity. They expose some type any kind of information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical, or not correct within an organization that is either private or public. The examples the group spoke about was the Watergate scandal. Mark Felt took down the presidency of Richard Nixon, this FBI figure was the secret informant known as Deep Throat who helped Washington Post reporters, Bob Woodward, and Carl Bernstein. Though Deep Throat became a symbol of shadowy Washington sources dishing out information in clandestine meetings, his identity was kept secret until 2005.  He was an internal informant to the whistleblower definition because he was apart of the president's inner circle and knew what illegal activity was going on, he gave inside information. 
But on the other hand, an external whistleblower is a person who reports an organization's illegal, immoral, illegitimate works to someone outside the organization. 

I found both of these concepts interesting and I liked how they connected them to the modern society This section of their presentation I believe was very different because the information is more historical but there are instances where our society today uses them. Overall, the rest of the presentation was good, I was engaged and learned a lot! 

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