Monday, May 6, 2019

My Blog Experience

The World Wide Web allows people to get a hold of information within seconds of clicking a button, this has pushed our society forward globally with creativity and innovation. It has affected our communication with mass media and information to people around the world. Media is the heart of our culture now, taking on a progressive face to technology. With mass media being more relevant, it was allowed us to affect how we communicate as well. The use of blogs allows people to communicate their opinion in a free open environment, with no guidelines to follow.

Through blogging, I have learned how to openly express my thoughts and ideas in a verbal setting. I enjoy reflecting on material that we have discussed in class and writing about in my own opinion. With each weekly blog, I found my writing to be more personal because I am able to write down sentences as if I was speaking them. Blogging this semester has also allowed me to discuss certain topics that I would not have normally chosen to write about which has given me more exposure to the world and media.

While writing my weekly blogs have also made me more interested in our daily news, writing about current events that deal with communications was interesting. It also changed my perspective on certain topics because I had a different take. But overall, I enjoyed blogging this semester and being able to use the web as a media resource for this class was unique. I enjoy putting my thoughts/ideas into word and expressing how I feel. As I move forward from this class, I will continue to keep up with checking other social media blogs or pages to see how things are in the mass media world.

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