Wednesday, April 17, 2019


After watching the TED talk videos, I found it very interesting when the first video talking about tattoos and how the social media we post leaves a mark on us even after we are gone. It made me think a lot about what I have posted before and what I have seen other people post, and how questionable certain posts are. I also like how the concepts from other cultures are relevant to our society and how they use "immortality" as a threat as if being immortal now is a scary idea because as much as we post, we are forever out in the cyber world or database.

The second video I found very scary, they track our cars and scan our licenses plates every time we pass by a police car or camera. I personally had no idea that there were scanners on the top of the cars that recorded all that data when I'm simply driving by. When the spokesperson showed the pictures of the man's license plate and had a picture of the children getting our f the car, it was unsettling because without knowing harmless kids were recorded. It is an invasion of privacy, it doesn't matter if they argue they may need the information for a later cause; it is wrong. We should be informed of our recording.

In the third video, Soghoian spoke about surveillance in today's society and how it has changed over time to become more relevant to companies with the demand. But what I learned from this video that shocked me was the iPhone phone tap. I didn't know that apple cant track where the messages come from and to, this causes an issue for the government. Soghoian spoke about the encryptions and how the tech companies are making it more difficult for the government to survey us. Although, I agree with the idea that the government should have access to peoples information because of climbing dangers like it was said in the video but, not all persons need to be watched.

The final video was shocking to me when she opened with the story of her boyfriend. How he took revealing pictures of her and exposed her on a website he created. It was shocking that her boyfriend posted that as a threat/ revenge post since they ended. When she spoke about the revenge porn and how 1in 30 women are involved in this act, it made me shake. she spent months in court while she was still exposed for everyone to see, it took a mental and physical tool on her. I can't even imagine this situation to happen. But it's scary how the internet can be used in such a way of harassment that can destroy anyone.  She has to get the department of homeland security and other government officials involved to get these pictures taken down. She had to expose herself even further just to get the photos taken down, which ultimately they did. The TED talk opened my eyes to another form of bullying in such an extreme way. Having clear laws against these actions are important and I agree with what the speaker said, they need to have tougher enforcement.

The cyber world is scary and can change a persons reputation or life in a second. After watching all these videos, they have taught me that people need to be so careful about what they are posting and how they are posting on social media. Privacy is critical to have a safe life and we need to pay close attention to it.

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