Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Diffusion of Innovation

In 2006, the app Twitter was founded; this application is used for news and social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as "tweets".  After our discussion today in class, I would classify myself as a laggard because I don't use twitter. I had the app at one point, which I used in middle school around 7th-8th grade I would tweet stupid updates about my life. But after a while I found the app to be annoying and within that year I deleted it and haven't used it since. 

I believe not having Twitter does not affect my life in any way. Yes, I miss out on some funny social media posts or news stories that don't normally air but, I see no need to download and sign up for twitter once again. On the other hand, I would say the younger generations love twitter and use it constantly to interact with one another or to see what celebrities are doing.  I would classify them as early adopters. I can easily do the same thing on other social media such as Instagram or Snapchat and not waste data.  

Twitter to me just seems to be a constant loop of updating people on what you or they are doing. I did not find the app keeping me in connection with my friends or family like  Facebook or Instagram does. I know Twitter is used to post either political or religious views that I personally wouldn't feel comfortable doing so, why would have the app? But other people around the world like to get their message out there to the public fast which is a positive of Twitter as well which is why I can see both sides as to why people have this app. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it doesn't matter if you are a pioneer of Twitter or a laggard like myself the Twitter app is our their for your use. And if you want a good laugh my tweets maybe still up, follow me @kimbotweets20!! 

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