Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Protect Dissent

After a discussion in class, my partner and I found that to us the most important Value of Free Expression would be number eight, Protect Dissent. When looking up the meaning of this word, I found it means "the expression or holding of opinions at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially held". it is a lack of agreement, we shouldn't have to agree with everything the government says, we all have our own beliefs and values that are each individual.

This is a value that everyone has equal rights to agree or disagree with the government. In fact, it is our "patriot duty to criticize the government", You should be allowed to criticize people for what they believe in because it won't always match your values. 

The First Amendment protects minority views, which means no matter how unpopular you have the right to strongly disagree with the government. It breaks a tie between government views and basic human rights, there is no majority view. This is important because it protects us from mob rule in our system, not allowing one person or party to have full power over a group. 

But on the other hand, it is not only the government we must protect dissent from but, it is also from everyone else. It's important to keep that in mind when you challenge value or if someone challenges you. 

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