Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Personally, I feel that I do not have a large social media presences. I like to keep my social life private to my friend and family only. All my accounts are very well secured and I have to do this also because I am on the lacrosse team here. My coach always says what we put out there is a reflection of ourselves and our team and the team comes first. I agree with that statement and I also don't feel comfortable having random strangers know personal information about me.

But when I do use my social media accounts, I would say that Instagram is my main source of publishing something or checking posts. I post pictures of myself, my family, friends and my dogs on Instagram. It is a positive reflection of my life and if people were to follow me on this account, they would see a real side to me. On Instagram, I have other social media account called vsco what is a picture posting app and its different from Instagram because you don't need likes to know its a good picture or comments, its just a more "artsy" way to view photos. The link to my vsco is in my bio of Instagram and I have to admit that is probably the only way people who I don't know or don't follow would see something about me. I don't post anything bad on here (my coaches follow us on this account as well) but it has different standards of picture posting that Instagram that is fun and unique.

On the flipside of things, public information that is out there about me is very small, if you google me one has to be very specific because my full name (Kimberly Jenkins) is common and a picture of myself or information doesn't show up on google. But on the off chance you do, I have found my LinkedIn profile which is supposed to be public and my High Point Lacrosse profile which is also public. These two accounts share my hometown and zip code but I believe no address. They also share my family and siblings names/ages. Along with my LinkedIn, it shows my work experience and schooling. My phone number and email are shared on my LinkedIn to contact me for jobs but I feel confident that no one will try anything creepy on there.

Which leads me to my final point, I do think social media can make some lonely, you can get so caught up in what other people are posting and such that you lose track of who you are. Or you become so invested in them and how they look that you lose confidence in yourself. I am guilty of it, seeing skinny girls on extravagant vacations, I get jealous and wish to be them. Social media can change someone, make them more addicted to there phone and the constant notification that come in. it's not healthy and I know I'm at fault as well but, I am working on it and other people should too because in the grand scheme of things it's just an app and a screen.

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