Monday, January 15, 2018

Blog #2- Aesthetics

Blog #2- Aesthetics

When taking photos, one has to think about the viewpoint you want your audience to get. The way you take a photo will set the tone for every person interpretation.  It's not an easy task and by no means am I a professional. 
This photo I find interesting because I have the lines going one way with the bananas and the contrast of lines in the background going another way. This allows the eyes to wonder and yet still focus on the center object. 
 Extreme Long
This photo is probably my least favorite, although it gets the full view of the bananas and the area around it, I wasn't sure how to capture an extreme long without losing the center object to much. 
 Viewpoint/ Angles
Here I wanted to take a picture from the top to show the size and width of the bananas. This is one of my favorite images because of the lines in the background showing the depth to the object. This allows there to be more of a focus in the center when it cuts the lines. 
In this shot I took it close up of the object, allowing us to see the defined layers and height of each banana strategically. This allows us to get more depth and have a better idea of the object while contrasting with the lines on the side.  
Negative Space 
In this photo I wanted the object to not be the center of focus, although the eye still catches the object there is still room for it to linger in that negative space not overdrawing one's eyes. 

Using these technics along with many others, will allow one to go from an amiture photographer to an almost professional one.

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